Test Drive a Mighty Network

No matter how wonderful a car looks and even if it has all the features on your must have list, a test drive is the best way to really know how well it will work for you.

Taking the Mighty Network platform for a free test drive is a great way to check out the options and explore how it handles the online community and learning terrain. Use the free trial of the Business Plan to experience the full potential of the platform.

Click here to start a free trial, no credit card required. (This is an affiliate link. If you later make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.)

Not sure where to drive? Here’s a video test drive of a brand-new Mighty Network, including setting up groups, courses, and events, to inspire you.

What are the features that you are going to test out first?


What is a Mighty Network?


10 Great Ways to Welcome New Members to Your Mighty Network